Hit by a Meteor

26 Oct 2017

Learning meteor, as a newbie, was a truly daunting experience. This was also truly the first time that I was working on something that involves both client side and server side architecture. It was a difficult learning curve and especially so because I was also still relatively new to html and css/semantic ui so going to meteor was of course intimidating but also I was able to see the start of what you can really do through client/server.

Similarly, learning meteor for me was like getting to know your girlfriend’s family after dating her for half a year. 6 months is a lot of time to get to know someone but how well could you really learn about someone in that period? Once you meet her family, it’s like learning everything all over again and some things you are expected to know(or you will pay the costs of course)!

I found that when I was doing assignments for meteor, I found myself digging through past assignments, looking for answers that I should already know in essence.This module was where I felt the most that going through the readings or screencasts does not necessarily help you sufficiently. You need to just dive into this framework, go through what works and what doesn’t work, and familiarize yourself with meteor’s syntax.